Development Blog

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Release v0.2

After several months of on-and off work we have decided to go public with this project, and release Revecter v0.2. This is not a finished product, it does not support Internet Explorer. It does, however let potential developers see what they can do with the framework.

For more on revecter, visit our Google code page or Google group.

Mission Statement

Currently, on the Internet, it is near impossible to avoid Flash. The ubiquitous .swf's are used to display video, images, and text. Developers choose it because it is a way to provide cross-browser functionality without thinking. Yet, they are doing just that: not thinking.

Flash is a terrible format. It is proprietary, unindexable, and ignorant of the disabled. However, SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, a W3C standard, is none of these. It allows for nearly all of Flash's functionality, yet improved. It can be embedded directly in HTML pages.

Although SVG has been used for years in various applications, both on-and-offline, it is still an esoteric format, with IE7 not showing SVG any naitve support at all.

Nevertheless, SVG is a powerful format waiting to be unlocked. It has been proven that SVG does have potential, and we aim to unlock it with the revecter framework.